Integrative Veterinary MedicineSimilar to dietary and behavioral changes humans in their everyday lives, many pet owners have decided to make similar changes to help the overall well-being of their pets.

From perfectly healthy pets to sick and ailing pets, taking a proactive approach to gaining control of their overall health can be extremely beneficial, and many pet owners realize the many benefits of alternative therapies for their pets.

Integrative veterinary medicine is a new and holistic approach to older, more traditional therapies. It is a comprehensive treatment program that is designed by a veterinarian. There are many different types of integrative medicine that can be used to help your pet.

Because many pet’s issues can stem from their diet, one service that we provide at Visiting Veterinary Angels is creating a homemade diet plan, ranging from a set diet plan to personalized recipes that will change your pet’s diet to be the most beneficial for their needs. We understand that animals are unique, which is why we take a personalized approach to each and every animal. Also, a nutritional supplementation routine can also be greatly beneficial and help with the healing process.

We believe in the practicality and benefits of integrative medicine because most traditional approaches mask any pain your pet is experiencing, but with integrative medicine, we are trying to heal your pet.

Our entire staff is dedicated to the health and care of your beloved pet. We understand how much your pet means to you and will always show him or her the highest levels of expertise service, love, and care. We will treat your pet just like our own, and we are always available to answer any questions that you may have.

If you have any questions regarding integrative veterinary medicine, please contact us at (614) 699-1110.